PreserVision: A Comprehensive Guide to Eye Health

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Preservision’s unique formulas are backed by scientific research and contain key nutrients like lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids, known to play a vital role in eye health. These powerful antioxidants protect your eyes from damaging free radicals and support healthy macular function.

Whether you’re concerned about age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, or simply want to maintain optimal eye health, Preservision offers a range of products tailored to your specific needs.

Choose Preservision and take proactive steps towards preserving your vision for a lifetime.



Vision is one of our most cherished senses, essential for everyday activities and overall quality of life. As we age, maintaining eye health becomes increasingly important to prevent vision loss and manage age-related eye conditions. PreserVision, a line of eye vitamins formulated by Bausch + Lomb, has gained recognition for its role in supporting eye health. This comprehensive guide explores the science, benefits, and usage of PreserVision, providing valuable insights into how it can help preserve your vision.

The Importance of Eye Health

Our eyes are complex organs that require proper nutrition to function optimally. As we age, the risk of developing eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, and glaucoma increases. These conditions can significantly impact our vision and overall well-being. Therefore, taking proactive steps to support eye health is crucial.

preservision - eye vitamin and minerals

Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss in older adults. It affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp central vision. There are two types of AMD: dry and wet.

– Dry AMD:

Characterized by the thinning of the macula, it progresses slowly and is the most common form of AMD.

– Wet AMD:

Involves abnormal blood vessel growth under the retina, leading to rapid vision loss. Although less common, it is more severe.

Research has shown that certain nutrients can slow the progression of AMD, making dietary supplements like PreserVision an essential part of eye care for those at risk.

“After being diagnosed with early-stage AMD, my doctor recommended PreserVision. I’ve been taking it for two years now, and my eye exams have shown no further progression. I’m grateful for this supplement.”

Jane, 68

The Science Behind PreserVision

PreserVision is based on the findings of two major clinical studies: the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) and the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2). These landmark studies, conducted by the National Eye Institute, identified specific vitamins and minerals that can help reduce the risk of progression in AMD.

AREDS Formulation

The original AREDS formulation includes:

– Vitamin C (500 mg)

– Vitamin E (400 IU)

– Beta-carotene (15 mg)

– Zinc (80 mg)

– Copper (2 mg)

This combination of antioxidants and minerals was shown to reduce the risk of AMD progression by about 25% over a five-year period in individuals with moderate to advanced AMD.

AREDS2 Formulation

The AREDS2 study aimed to improve upon the original formula. It substituted beta-carotene with lutein (10 mg) and zeaxanthin (2 mg) due to concerns about beta-carotene increasing the risk of lung cancer in smokers. Additionally, AREDS2 tested lower doses of zinc (25 mg), which were found to be just as effective.


Preserving vision and maintaining eye health is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a proactive approach. PreserVision, backed by robust clinical research, offers a valuable tool for those at risk of age-related macular degeneration and others seeking to support their eye health. By incorporating PreserVision into your daily routine, along with healthy lifestyle choices, you can take significant steps towards safeguarding your vision for years to come.
Remember, it is essential to consult with your eye care professional before starting any new supplement regimen. With the right combination of nutrition, lifestyle, and professional care, you can enjoy the benefits of healthy vision and enhanced quality of life.

The Benefits of PreserVision

PreserVision offers several benefits for individuals at risk of AMD and those looking to support their eye health:

1. Slows AMD Progression:

Clinical studies have demonstrated that the AREDS and AREDS2 formulations can significantly slow the progression of moderate to advanced AMD, helping to preserve vision.

2. Provides Essential Nutrients:

The specific combination of vitamins and minerals in PreserVision supports overall eye health, protecting against oxidative stress and inflammation.

3. Tailored Formulations:

PreserVision comes in various formulations to cater to different needs, including options without beta-carotene for smokers and those concerned about lung health.

4. Convenient and Easy to Use:

Available in soft gel and chewable forms, PreserVision is easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Who Should Take PreserVision?

PreserVision is recommended for individuals diagnosed with moderate to advanced AMD or those at high risk of developing the condition. Risk factors for AMD include:

– Age (65 and older)

– Family history of AMD

– Smoking

– High blood pressure

– Obesity

– Light eye color

If you fall into any of these categories, consulting with an eye care professional about incorporating PreserVision into your eye health regimen is a wise step.

“I was worried about my vision deteriorating after my father lost his sight to AMD. PreserVision has given me peace of mind, and my vision remains sharp.”

Mike, 72

PreserVision Product Line

PreserVision offers several product options to meet diverse needs. Here’s an overview of the main products in the PreserVision line:

PreserVision AREDS 2 Formula

This is the most popular product in the PreserVision line, based on the AREDS2 study. It includes:

– Lutein

– Zeaxanthin

– Vitamin C

– Vitamin E

– Zinc

– Copper

This formulation is ideal for those with moderate to advanced AMD.

PreserVision AREDS 2 Formula + Multivitamin

Combining the AREDS2 formulation with a daily multivitamin, this product provides comprehensive nutritional support, ensuring you receive all essential vitamins and minerals for overall health.

PreserVision AREDS 2 Chewables

For those who have difficulty swallowing pills, PreserVision AREDS 2 Chewables offer a convenient and pleasant-tasting alternative.

PreserVision AREDS Formula

Based on the original AREDS study, this formulation includes beta-carotene and is suitable for those who are not at risk of lung cancer due to smoking or other factors.

How to Take PreserVision

To achieve the best results with PreserVision, follow these guidelines:

1. Dosage:

Follow the recommended dosage on the product label or as directed by your eye care professional. Typically, this involves taking two soft gels or chewables per day.

2. Consistency:

Take PreserVision consistently every day to ensure you receive the full benefits of the nutrients.

3. With Meals:

Taking PreserVision with meals can enhance absorption and reduce the likelihood of stomach upset.

4. Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support overall health and aid in the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Supporting Eye Health Through Lifestyle Choices

While PreserVision can play a significant role in supporting eye health, adopting a healthy lifestyle is equally important. Here are some tips to complement your eye care routine:

1. Balanced Diet:

Consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Foods high in antioxidants, such as leafy greens, carrots, and berries, are particularly beneficial for eye health.

2. Regular Exercise:

Physical activity improves blood circulation, which can help maintain healthy eyes. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

3. Quit Smoking:

Smoking significantly increases the risk of developing AMD and other eye diseases. If you smoke, seek support to quit.

4. Protect Your Eyes:

Wear sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays. Additionally, use protective eyewear when engaging in activities that could result in eye injury.

5. Manage Chronic Conditions:

Conditions like diabetes and hypertension can impact eye health. Keep these conditions under control through regular check-ups and medication adherence.

6. Regular Eye Exams:

Schedule comprehensive eye exams at least once a year, or more frequently if recommended by your eye care professional. Early detection and management of eye conditions are crucial for preserving vision.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While PreserVision is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience side effects or have specific health considerations. Here are some potential issues to be aware of:

1. Gastrointestinal Discomfort:

Some people may experience stomach upset, nausea, or diarrhea when taking PreserVision. Taking the supplement with food can help mitigate these symptoms.

2. Allergic Reactions:

Although rare, allergic reactions to any ingredient in PreserVision can occur. If you experience symptoms such as rash, itching, or swelling, discontinue use and consult a healthcare provider.

3. Medication Interactions:

If you are taking any other medications or supplements, consult your healthcare provider before starting PreserVision to avoid potential interactions.

4. Smoking and Beta-Carotene:

If you smoke or have a history of smoking, avoid formulations containing beta-carotene due to the increased risk of lung cancer.

Satisfied Consumers

Frequently Asked Questions About PreserVision

To provide further clarity, here are answers to some commonly asked questions about PreserVision:

Can I take PreserVision if I don’t have AMD?

While PreserVision is specifically formulated for those with moderate to advanced AMD, the nutrients in the supplement can benefit overall eye health. However, it’s essential to consult with your eye care professional to determine if it’s suitable for your individual needs.

How long does it take to see results from PreserVision?

The benefits of PreserVision may not be immediately noticeable, as it is designed to slow the progression of AMD over time. Consistent use as part of a comprehensive eye care plan can help protect your vision in the long run.

Can I take other vitamins along with PreserVision?

It’s important to avoid excessive intake of certain vitamins and minerals. Consult your healthcare provider before combining PreserVision with other supplements to ensure you’re not exceeding recommended daily amounts.

there any dietary restrictions while taking PreserVision?

There are no specific dietary restrictions while taking PreserVision. However, maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can complement the benefits of the supplement.

Is PreserVision safe during pregnancy?

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, consult your healthcare provider before taking PreserVision to ensure it is safe for you and your baby.

Research and Development: The Future of Eye Health

Ongoing research continues to explore new ways to support eye health and prevent vision loss. Innovations in nutritional science, genetics, and personalized medicine hold promise for the future of eye care.

Nutritional Science

Researchers are investigating additional nutrients and dietary patterns that may benefit eye health. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, and other antioxidants are being studied for their potential protective effects against AMD and other eye conditions.


Advances in genetic research are providing insights into individual risk factors for AMD and other eye diseases. Genetic testing may eventually help tailor preventive and therapeutic approaches to each person’s unique genetic makeup.

Personalized Medicine

The integration of personalized medicine into eye care is an exciting development. This approach considers individual variations in genetics, environment, and lifestyle to develop customized treatment plans that optimize outcomes.

Additional Resources for Eye Health

To further support your eye health journey, consider exploring these additional resources:

1. American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO):

Offers a wealth of information on eye health, diseases, and treatments.

2. National Eye Institute (NEI):

Provides research updates, educational materials, and resources for those with eye conditions.

3. Foundation Fighting Blindness:

Focuses on research and education to prevent and treat blindness caused by retinal degenerative diseases.

4. Macular Degeneration Partnership:

A resource dedicated to providing information and support to those affected by AMD.

5. EyeCare America:

A public service program of the AAO, providing eye care services to eligible seniors and those at risk for eye diseases.

Tips for Integrating PreserVision into Your Routine

Adopting a new supplement regimen can be challenging. Here are some practical tips to help you integrate PreserVision into your daily routine:

1. Set Reminders:

Use your phone or a calendar to set daily reminders to take your supplements.

2. Pair with a Habit:

Associate taking PreserVision with an established daily habit, such as brushing your teeth or having breakfast.

3. Travel-Friendly:

Keep a travel-sized container of PreserVision in your bag or car to ensure you don’t miss a dose while on the go.

4. Track Your Progress:

Maintain a journal to record your supplement intake and any changes in your vision or overall health.

“Swallowing pills was always a challenge for me, but the chewable form of PreserVision makes it easy and even enjoyable to take my daily dose.”

Linda, 65


PreserVision stands out as a scientifically-backed supplement designed to support eye health, particularly for those at risk of or living with age-related macular degeneration. With the comprehensive benefits of the AREDS and AREDS2 formulations, PreserVision offers a proactive approach to preserving vision and maintaining overall eye health.

Incorporating PreserVision into a balanced lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and preventive eye care can significantly enhance your efforts to protect your eyesight. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs. By taking charge of your eye health today with the support of PreserVision, you can look forward to a future of clearer, healthier vision.

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